LKQ was founded in 1996 and operates in the logistics sector. It has 10 distribution hubs in Belgium, Luxembourg, France and Holland. LKQ distributes spare parts for the Automotive sector.
Process orders quickly with Modula automated storage systems
LKQ guarantees that its products are delivered within a few hours of being ordered. The constant growth of the company both in terms of new territories and new clients meant LKQ needed to dispatch orders faster and more accurately. However, traditional warehousing methods were not suited to current needs. This is why LKQ opted for a Modula solution in 1998.
LKQ currently has 46 Modula vertical warehouses in which low-rotation materials are stored and which represent 90% of warehouse movements. The Modula Warehouse dispatches 7,500 order items a day. Dispatching occurs within 90 minutes of ordering.
The Alphanumeric Bar provides information which helps picking and transfer activities to be more accurate. WMS plays an important part in managing orders as it controls each Modula warehouse. Online orders received into ERP are sent to WMS which establishes an order sequence. It then determines which trays will be brought out so that the operator can pick and dispatch the products.